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20 April 2015
A new journey about to begin...

I haven't blogged for a while but now there's a reason to! Hahaha. I've been reading so many blogs about Invisalign and I often question myself if they're legit or if they really mask a lot of problems, underlying issues, 'lies' etc. So my blog is gonna accompany me through MY journey and it's none other than my long awaited INVISALIGN journey!

For those who've known me for the longest time, I've been contemplating on having braces done for the longest time and I didn't want to do metal braces so I thought the other best choice was Ceramics. I've even considered wanting to do Verniers but they're not recommended because they don't solve the root cause of the problem. The issue with my teeth is the gaps that I have and it was caused by the hygienist back when I was in Pri Sch. She was so horrible, terrible and just plain scary la! She yanks at people's jaws etc, so much so that I got afraid of visiting the dentists after I left Pri Sch. Oh well, I've got to bite the bullet now. No choice because:
1. The entire treatment has been paid for
2. I really want my teeth to be straight

My main focus would be the cost la. It's really not a cheap procedure as compared to traditional braces/ceramics. Will share more as time goes by about the entire process, the pain, the sleepless nights, the food intake, the weight loss/gain... Hahaha... so many things going through my mind now, I think I'm going to flip out!!!

Shall breathe...
And not freak myself out...

Appointment is at 6.45pm later. For now, shall chill and prep myself mentally for what's gonna happen later.


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3:16 PM Photobucket
20 November 2014
Wet wet Thursday

A nice weather to continue blogging! Hahaha.
I haven't blogged in a long while cos I have been really busy with loads of things to do. YFP training have become a little more intense cos some O Level students just joined us and we're in need to train them so that they can catch up. Rest of the time is used for fine tuning and really making sure the students are aware which direction to face etc.

Really intense man! We've got exactly 30 days to go before the first YFP. This coming Sunday would be our one and only run through with all Acts involved. The entire Northland Sec Sch will be used from morning till afternoon for music runs and formations. So exciting. I've got to be there by 7.30am. So Heidi's gonna tag along with me since I'm driving! Hahaha.

Like this entire week, the only rest day I got was yesterday. Let's see what's my week like for this week:
Mon - Conducted extra training for the O Level students
Tue - YFP Trainer's training at SYC
Wed - REST
Thu - YFP Participants training at Senja
Fri - Chillax outing
Sat - Wedding to attend
Sun - YFP Participants training at NLSS

Song boh! Hahaha... Fulfilling week... Whenever I have the time to rest, I would love to rest. But I can't neglect my friends too. So I agreed to doing a staycation with the guys at The Reflections and I must say, it was the best decision ever! The place was beautiful, I had awesome buddies who cooked, prepared dessert, made awesome drinks and we lazed around and ate Mac for supper. Hahaha. We walked to the nearby convenience store to grab more groceries when things weren't enough. Nearly wanted to take a bus out to Harbour Front. Luckily the store was just beside the bus bay.

The apartment had a Pool table in it, 3 bedrooms, 2 cooking area, 2 bathrooms and it was really spacious and fully air-conditioned. I'm very sure it must have cost a bomb! So I'm very sure I won't be able to live in a Condo in this lifetime so being able to have a chance to stay there even for a night was good enough for me! I cleaned up quite a bit after the guys finished their cooking. We ate happily and laughed a lot while sharing funny stories. Overall, it was super duper fun! We all said that we should do it again cos not only did we bond, we ate pretty healthily, slept well and next day had a hearty breakfast too! I wouldn't trade these guys for anything else in this world. Good friends are hard to find. So when you found them, wouldn't you treasure them?!

For now, cheers!

3:24 PM Photobucket
13 October 2014
Fulfilling Monday at work

Just a random thought after talking to one of the production team leader, that how it must have been for them to leave their family behind, to come to Singapore to work. This TL just had a son and when I asked him this morning how're things back home, he showed me a pic of his son who is now turning 3 yrs old. How time flies! The last time I remembered him sharing that the wife was pregnant and that he was going to be a father soon, next thing, he shared that he was going back to China to see his newborn son, and then now, the son is turning 3 yrs old soon. He belongs to the group of FT here to really make a living for their family in China to have a better life. He is a dedicated worker, a dedicated father and definitely a very good staff to have. He was promoted from a Production worker, to a TL based on hardwork. Really happy to see that he's working well here, managing some staff under him, and really ensuring that the print jobs run smoothly.

Anyway, on a high side, I'm very happy that it's finally October. I'm super exhausted with all the things that's been going on but I must say, I'm really glad that I've taken on being a trainer for our FD item. Tiring, yes, but it's really damn fulfilling. Yesterday was our first training with the students. We did the Act 5 segment and you could see the joy in all their faces when they were practicing. Our schedules are all out and all I can say for now is that I'll jiayou and do my best for this training period. All the students are having so much fun so how can I not have as much as fun as them?! Hehehe...

Work has been as per normal. But with a little bit more to do for now cos of the approval of print lists etc. But no worries, am coping well so no problems. As for family, all are well. Mum's Admin IC in Chingay 2014, Heidi is a participant in the YFP together with the YWDs, so I couldn't be more proud of my family. We have to create wonderful memories in our lives. And what better way to create these memories than to make new friends, accumulate good fortune, and just being pure happy in life. To me, I think that feeling is priceless. We know how to be able to be happy in life, so all we gotta do is spread the way to being happy with the people around us.

For now, cheers!

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10:58 AM Photobucket
30 September 2014
Yet another Tuesday

Time for updates.

Quite a fair bit of major events are already over except the upcoming one this Dec which is none other than YFP. I'm super psyched about Oct and Dec. I'm just glad that there're events to look forward to. From the month of Oct onwards, the YFP training will be 3 times a week. And anyway, Oct starts tomorrow! Hahaha.

So yeah, Tue @ SYC, Thu @ Senja and Sun @ HQ. In between are my only free days that I can use for either friends or family. When you're only young once, you shouldn't waste time doing nothing to be honest. I've got friends who're just wasting their time away. To me, life is too short to wanna idle around and do nothing. There're many things I wanna accomplish in this lifetime till the extend that I don't even know where to do begin.

Hahaha. So for now, living life to the fullest to me, is the most important. As long as my family is safe and healthy, that to me is at least starting from somewhere. I'm going to start using my Digi cam soon cos sometimes, using the phone isn't really as fruitful cos you'll be wasting battery! And Note 3's battery isn't all that fantastic especially when I need it for work etc.

For now, cheers!

4:55 PM Photobucket
12 September 2014
Hurray! Yet another Friday...

Another week has passed. It's already another Friday. (I so need to go do my nails man! It has grown out too much!)

So yesterday was another YFP Training. It's no longer called Youth Cultural Festival (YCF). It has been renamed to Youth Friendship for Peace Concert (YFP). So the details are out.
Venue: Toa Payoh Stadium
Date: 20 & 21 Dec (2-days)
Time: *I'm not too sure but will share when I have the full details.

I've invited a few people to go for this YFP already. I should set a target huh. To invite 10 people or more for this YFP, friends and family included.
This journey is going to be long, and definitely for the next few months. There's work, Gakkai activities, my own family time, and definitely time with friends. Got to juggle everything together but I'm very sure I can do it. Wen Qing shared yesterday during our training, that there're many Youths in other countries, not only in Singapore, that are holding multiple roles in the Gakkai. And their roles are not small ya know. They're either chiefs, vice chiefs or maybe something else. But regardless, if other people can do it, so can I. I'm not trying to be gungho or anything but the fact remains that we're only Youths ONCE! You can't turn back the clock and then decide to regret what should have been done a long time ago. Live life with no regrets. Like this YFP, if I don't take part as a trainer now, then when?! When I'm no longer a Youth leader and have graduated to Women's Division? NO!! Now that I don't have commitments, I shall exert myself as best as I can. Doing the most out of my life. Experience all sorts of things, be it weird or funny but yes, if we don't try now, then there might not be the chance anymore. For the past 3 trainings, we've been learning the FD song, solo part, and partner part. It was damn fun! Can't wait for the next training next Thur. For now, all my Thurs are packed. From next month onwards, my Tue, Thur and Sundays will be packed and then we'll chiong all the way till Dec!! Woohoo... the journey ahead is going to be challenging but I'm sure, I'm very very sure that we'll grow to be better individuals.

I'm proud to say that I've managed to encourage my cousins to take part in this YFP too. So there's me, Heidi, Kevin, Joey, Peony, Chia Xuan and Zong Bin. A total of 7 of us. And I heard that my nephews will be in it too! So plus the 2 of them, there'll be 9 of us taking part in YFP 2014. So exciting!! Can't wait to see all of them when we start training all together.

All else have been fine so far. With work and all being as per normal. Just some hiccups here and there sometimes but nothing too big that I can't resolve. =)
Anyway, I'm most probably gonna embark on another exciting journey in life. Let's see how that works out.

For now, cheers!

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10:39 AM Photobucket
03 September 2014
A good Wednesday for me

I'm baacckk... 

Busy week. Last post was on 29th Aug 2014. Hehehe.
(Ok la, not too far back)

I had a pretty good weekend. It was our discussion meeting weekend. Saturday was a good day cos I had an awesome dinner with Jie Jess and Stanley at Vivo before heading for my meeting. We had Jamie's Italian. Stanley ordered their "30-DAY MATURED PRIME RIB", Jie Jess ordered "POSH CHIPS" and I ordered my "CRAB SPAGHETTINI". All were awesome!!! 
That meet up was to celebrate my birthday. And Jie Jess got me a nice gift! A Swarovski set. Argh... Have always wanted to get 1 but didn't see the need to wanna spend so much for stationeries. THANK YOU JIEJIE!! I'll use it to sign my documents... Hahaha. 

Meeting was at Francis's place cos Yuen Fun couldn't attend the meeting and therefore the location had to be changed. We enjoyed the meeting immensely. Went to fetch Heidi and Yan Soon at Holland V after her meeting. Joy was there too and after picking the 2 of them, Joy drove behind us, followed me to fetch Mummy and then we all headed home together. All hung out at home and we were looking through different party companies for Jethro's upcoming 1st birthday. Sent Yan Soon home at about 3 plus. And then it's Sunday. Had to wake up relatively early to help clean up the house before Mum's meeting at our place. 

After that, we rushed to 4 different places to look at their party stuff. Moulmein, Turf Club Rd, Raffles City and Plaza Singapura. All of which the cost for the party stuff are relatively high. But because 1 of their service was relatively better than the others, and the cost was a little more affordable than the rest, Joy has decided to go with 'Wow Let's Party' @ Moulmein. Can't wait for this Sunday! 

My weekdays have been the same. Work and meetings and like for tomorrow, training @ SYC. Will be on course tomorrow and Friday. Woohoo!

For now, cheers!

5:18 PM Photobucket
29 August 2014
Melaka trip + YCF first training

Woah... See lah... Neglected the blog again...

To think that I wanted to be more diligent. HAHA. Perhaps I had crucial things to settle huh... Quite a lot of things have happened over the past few weeks since my last post. Not to worry, all are good. Just that because we all have only 24hrs a day, I had to cramp in a lot more to do over the past weeks cos staff was on leave, had more meetings, went to Melaka etc.

Talking about Melaka, let's share more about that then. (All the rest are pretty same old same old!)
So I went to Melaka on the week of my birthday, that's 21st Aug and I'm so glad we decided to do that. When I went home, seeing how Popo aged, just makes me wish I could do much more. We had the pleasure of having Joy join us on this trip. Else, usually it'll be the aunts, either Tua Yi or Ji Yi. Joy popped by that same night, and we left in the late morning on Thur. The journey up was awesome. We had really good food. On Thur itself, as usual, we would have to clean the room like crazy. Mattress was on the floor, sheets were still on, the floor was a mess, toilet was dirty, hair everywhere... and my list can go on and on to be honest. But oh well, I just told myself that it's part and parcel of coming home. And because we had popped tiles upstairs, Ah Kong had to arrange for contractors to come and do the renovation works. And that would mean that the whole place was super dusty. I feel that we really need to invest in a vacuum cleaner! Seriously... Else, I think I'll just go crazy with all the sweeping and mopping of the house. Mopping isn't the main problem. It's the sweeping that drives me crazy. How to sweep dust?! You can't!! It'll just be spread out even more, making the entire place even more dusty than it was, and probably irritating my nose!! Well, my role in the cleaning is usually the toilet... I can't stand it when the toilet is so dirty... FILTHY is the word. Cos we don't use it often, and there's really a huge challenge getting rid of lizards. I think the only way is to rear a cat! Hahaha. So yeah, I will be the one who'll clean the toilet while Heidi takes care of the rest of the room. We don't go into our uncle's rooms cos they're supposed to be taking care of it themselves. And for the fact that there's this washing machine problem (there's no tap for the semi-auto washing machine!), it's really hard to do laundry now. Imagine having to send the sheets and blankets for laundry service. I feel that it's just money wasted because there's a washing machine anyway. It's just that we can't use it cos there's no water supply. If we were to shift it to the Garage area, we would have to really do lots of spring cleaning man! And I mean really get rid of all the old stuff. There're things there that really should have been thrown a long time ago.

So after all the cleaning, we were as hungry as hell. And Mama cooked lunch for us, or should that be known as an early dinner... hmm... regardless, we were super hungry. We had good home-cooked food, and then we rest for the night. Lazed around, chit chat etc. 2nd day of the trip was for an AWESOME Bak Kut Teh breakfast at Tangkak. It was a pretty long drive but the food was really awesome man! Super delicious. The last time we went there, it was closed. But this time, we managed to go there by early afternoon. And the side dish of braised chicken feet! OMG... It was really awesome too! 

We did a bit of shopping along the way till about evening time, then we headed home to rendezvous and then move off to Ong Kim Wee area for Satay Celup! Again, OMG... I missed it so much. The food was too good. And before you know it, our trip was coming to an end. We reached home and started packing up. The next morning, we had kampong eggs, and nasi lemak for breakfast. When it comes to bidding goodbye, it's always the hardest. I gave some money to both hugged them and we went on our way. Waving bye is always tough. So that's the end of the short trip. And as soon as I got back, had to prepare for the next day's FD meeting at home. 

My beloved Grandparents and us

Then the routine in Singapore starts all over again.
Hahaha... ^_^
Life of a Singaporean, challenging, a little monotonous sometimes but that's ok. Everyday can't be challenging you know, tiring leh. Hehe. I'm coping pretty well with all my responsibilities for now. So that's alright. I've set myself goals to meet and I'm pretty determined to do what I've set out to do. So let this blog be my witness to all the happenings in time to come.

TODAY, 29 Aug 2014, MARKS THE DAY FOR CHANGES!! Let's see what happens. I may or may not share periodic updates about THAT, but we shall see how it goes. I feel that it's good to keep track on what's been happening. Oh well, I will have an awesome Friday. I thought that I was gonna wake up with a sore body or something, but I'm quite surprised I didn't. Yesterday was our first trainer's training and I tell you... It was really awesome! Super upbeat and that was just a chorus of 1 song! There's more to come and I'm sure it's gonna be super fun. Can't wait for more trainings. Performance is in Dec. Ahhhh... Exciting... there're a total of 5 of us taking part in YCF. Heidi, Kevin, Joey, Peony and I. And I just heard that Mag jie is encouraging her 2 boys to join in too! Awesome... Will have more YCF updates along the way too.

For now, cheers!

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9:41 AM Photobucket